참고사이트: http://bcbjournal.org/articles/vol3/9910/Using_STL_containers.htm
예제 소스
#include <vcl.h> #include <stdlib> #include <vector> #include <list> #include <map> #include <string> #pragma hdrstop #include "Unit1.h" #include "WrkObjs.h" using namespace std; #pragma package(smart_init) #pragma resource "*.dfm" TForm1 *Form1; __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { } void __fastcall TForm1::QuitButtonClick(TObject *Sender) { exit(0); } void __fastcall TForm1::VectorButtonClick(TObject *Sender) { vector<int> myInts; ListBox1->Clear(); ListBox1->Items->Add("Vector Example"); ListBox1->Items->Add("=============="); // Add numbers 1-9 to myInts for( int y = 1; y < 10; y++ ) myInts.push_back(y); // Add them to ListBox1 using array subscripting ListBox1->Items->Add( "After adding 1 through 9:"); for(int y = 0; y < 9; y++) ListBox1->Items->Add(String(myInts[y])); // Add 10 to the end of the vector myInts.push_back(10); // Insert a 0 at the front of the list myInts.insert(myInts.begin(), 0); // Show the contents of the vector ListBox1->Items->Add("After adding 0 and 10:"); for( int y = 0; y < 11; y++ ) ListBox1->Items->Add(String(myInts[y])); // For practice, remove the 10 from the end // and place a 25 in the there. myInts.pop_back(); myInts.push_back(25); // Show the contents of the vector again ListBox1->Items-> Add("After deleting 10 and adding 25:"); for( int y = 0; y < 11; y++ ) ListBox1->Items->Add(String(myInts[y])); myInts.clear(); ListBox1->Items->Add( "Vector example complete!"); } //---------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::ListButtonClick(TObject *Sender) { list<wisdom*> myWisdom; list<wisdom*>::iterator wisIt; char sentence[50]; char* myWords[] = { "a ", "nice ", "day ", "Have "}; ListBox1->Clear(); ListBox1->Items->Add("List Example"); ListBox1->Items->Add("============"); // Add all words to the list from the array. for( int x = 0; x < 4; x++ ) { char* wordMemory = new char[strlen(myWords[x]+1)]; strcpy(wordMemory, myWords[x]); myWisdom.push_back(new Wisdom(wordMemory)); } // Form a sentence ListBox1->Items->Add("My Words of wisdom:"); *sentence = NULL; for(wisIt = myWisdom.begin(); wisIt != myWisdom.end(); wisIt++) strcat(sentence, (*wisIt)->say()); ListBox1->Items->Add(sentence); // Move "Have" to the beginning of the sentence wisIt = myWisdom.end(); Wisdom* tmpWis = (*(--wisIt)); myWisdom.remove(tmpWis); myWisdom.push_front(tmpWis); ListBox1->Items-> Add("My Words of wisdom (corrected):"); *sentence = NULL; // Rebuild the sentence again and delete the // Wisdom objects as we go. for(list<wisdom*<::iterator li = myWisdom.begin(); li != myWisdom.end(); li++) { strcat(sentence, (*li)->say()); delete (*li); } ListBox1->Items->Add(sentence); } void __fastcall TForm1::MapButtonClick(TObject *Sender) { map<string, person=""> anyBody; map<string, person="">::iterator persIter; ListBox1->Clear(); ListBox1->Items->Add("Multimap Example"); ListBox1->Items->Add("================"); // Add some people to the map anyBody["honest"] = Person("Abe Lincoln", 98); anyBody["cherry tree"] = Person("George Washington", 100); anyBody["watergate"] = Person("Richard Nixon", 74); anyBody["pardon"] = Person("Gerald Ford", 76); anyBody["peanuts"] = Person("Jimmy Carter", 80); anyBody["scandal"] = Person("Bill Clinton", 92); // Find a couple of people and show them Person who = anyBody["honest"]; ListBox1->Items->Add((who.getName()).c_str()); who = anyBody["watergate"]; ListBox1->Items->Add((who.getName()).c_str()); // Delete Gerald Ford by calling erase function anyBody.erase("pardon"); // The find function is a better way to look // for entries in the list. persIter = anyBody.find("pardon"); if (persIter != anyBody.end()) ListBox1->Items->Add((who.getName()).c_str()); else ListBox1->Items->Add("No such president!"); } |
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