<소스 참고>
볼랜드 C++Builder에서 작성한 C++ 소스
#include <tlhelp32.h>
///현재 실행 중인 Textile의 개수를 확인 하는 함수 by david 090501
int __fastcall TMainForm::GetCountExecutingProgram()
int number=0; // Initialization 0
HANDLE snap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); // This function has system information
AnsiString name;
if(snap) // Excution snapshat handle
BOOL p_Count; // For count process
PROCESSENTRY32 p_Entry; // Declare process struct
p_Entry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); // A Function of PROCESSENTRY32
p_Count = Process32First(snap, &p_Entry); // Search a executing process
p_Count = Process32Next(snap, &p_Entry); // Repeat to search executing process
name = p_Entry.szExeFile;
name = name.LowerCase();
if (name == "program_name.exe") number++; // Increase number of executing process
CloseHandle(snap); // Close snapshot handle
return number;
<소스 참고>
볼랜드 C++Builder에서 작성한 C++ 소스
#include <tlhelp32.h>
///현재 실행 중인 Textile의 개수를 확인 하는 함수 by david 090501
int __fastcall TMainForm::GetCountExecutingProgram()
int number=0; // Initialization 0
HANDLE snap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); // This function has system information
AnsiString name;
if(snap) // Excution snapshat handle
BOOL p_Count; // For count process
PROCESSENTRY32 p_Entry; // Declare process struct
p_Entry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); // A Function of PROCESSENTRY32
p_Count = Process32First(snap, &p_Entry); // Search a executing process
p_Count = Process32Next(snap, &p_Entry); // Repeat to search executing process
name = p_Entry.szExeFile;
name = name.LowerCase();
if (name == "program_name.exe") number++; // Increase number of executing process
CloseHandle(snap); // Close snapshot handle
return number;
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